Thursday, March 26, 2009

Seen on a T-Shirt

I have
NO Girlfriend
NO Work
NO Problem

Strangely I couldn’t get the joke. Call me a feminist, call me a humorless old maid, but I just can’t stand chauvinism .

The shirt was missing one more line: 'No life' !!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Once again

Once again the colored pieces suddenly come together...Their sagacity almost blinding…Complementing each other...Almost perfectly....In a moment of the heat of solving the enigma the bliss of seeing the picture slowly falling into place...demystifying the darkness around you...a million hues diffusing…spreading a joyous glow....filling your heart with light...You smile...

And then abruptly the bits begin to a kettle ready to blow up any instant...simmering and scathing...the agitation becomes impossible to ignore…Apprehensiveness replaces smiles...Trepidation fills the space that you have started staring into insignificantly…

And in those moments of realize that the colored pieces were gray after all.