Monday, February 23, 2009

If you start with a bad-hair day....

...then your social cum work cum love life is doomed. After spending fruitless 15 minutes into taming my hair into an agreeable mess (the privileged others who have straight hair call it a pony tail), I was wondering what else could go wrong when...

a. I choked on a piece of idly; I was trying to gorge down in nano-seconds. Normalcy was restored only after a few gulps of water, two hard thumps on my back from mommy dearest and a long-winded ‘how-idlys-can-be-life-changing-if-you-eat-them-slowly' speech.
b. A group of frustrated men in the bus suddenly decided to vent out their pent-up emotions. What ensued was a 'not-too-pretty-to-watch' brawl involving a group of huffy-cheeked men against another group of huffier-cheeked men.
c. The impact of losing all my contacts on my mobile phone hit me fully only after I started getting the routine, customary, and almost revoltingly sweet ‘good-morning’ messages from friends today. I hardly recognized the numbers and was forced to ask them their names. This little activity of mine managed to get the majority of them pug-faced. I also earned the ‘How-can-you-forget-MY-number’ wrath from all of them.
d. A seemingly cute guy in the atrium of our office building decided to walk through me like I never existed. Cursing silently I reached the lift, only to find him inside, still looking away.
e. Tripped in front of a million colleagues, and had to swerve in the most uncomfortable way to avoid falling flat on the face, and ended up looking like a crooked, contorted Oscar statuette.
f. One more attempt at taming my hair in the office loo went astray as my comb decided to plop into the wash basin with a loud clang. The other peacocks, pruning their feathers gave me their looks of purest contempt.

It was then, that I gave up!

Moral: Maybe the guy didn’t look because my puerile hair looked like a bramble bush that had a magnetic attraction to anything even remotely dusty?? (Nah…Not a good enough moral you say?)

Well, then....The real moral: If anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway...Courtesy Murphy.


Vyadhi said...

today was a day of truth i guess... u have been telling a lot of truth today...!! and not only a bad hair leads to a bad day... even a not-properly-kept-cooker will lead a bad day... remember the first day at office??

Vamsee said...

Awww :p

Varsha said...

@Das: Lol...the smell of burnt rice still lingers :)

@Vamsee: Grrrrr :P

Anonymous said...

the last time I heard a similar story was that of one Mr. Samson. of course in that case, the gory proceedings of rearranging hair style was toned down by minor narratives on everyday things like inflicted blindness and this small matter of a change in religious order.

looking at the brighter side :

“I also earned the ‘How-can-you-forget-MY-number’ wrath from all of them”
you finally got a less violent way of putting us megalomaniacs in place. (did the megalomaniac Magellan die by the affront caused to the natives by those luxuriant Spanish wigs ?)

your turn to be put in proper place. I feel touched by his single minded devotion to his lady love. such souls don’t bestride this planet in plenty. may he soar heavenwards in his lift (leaving you of course earthbound for the sake of all of us).
good to know that, despite the redoubtable and clandestine activities of women’s activists and the learned lawmakers to wring the neck of romance out of work place it still craves to find expression

the trippings and trappings – it is while falling that all our instincts and reflexes are whipped up to the hilt – we, then, are so full of life. so enjoy those rare morsels of animation (a courtesy in the direction of you pun-smiths).
in that ultimate refuge of a girl (irreverently called loo by you), you probably tried to improve on god’s plan of rearranging your hairstyle, not realising that the fall was not spontaneous

Varsha said...


lol...i wouldn call combing my locks a 'gory proceeding'...for the benefit of my own ego :)..though i could call it a process of 'humanizing the hair'. ..;)

Anonymous said...

by the way, the half classic half comic cartoon girl in your post (the one with 3 pineapple tiaras for a hairdo)looks cute

Anonymous said...

"...ended up looking like a crooked, contorted Oscar statuette." lol!

"...The other peacocks, pruning their feathers gave me their looks of purest contempt." lol [raised to the power] infinity!