Once again the colored pieces suddenly come together...Their sagacity almost blinding…Complementing each other...Almost perfectly....In a moment of ecstasy...in the heat of solving the enigma finally...in the bliss of seeing the picture slowly falling into place...demystifying the darkness around you...a million hues diffusing…spreading a joyous glow....filling your heart with light...You smile...
And then abruptly the bits begin to falter...like a kettle ready to blow up any instant...simmering and scathing...the agitation becomes impossible to ignore…Apprehensiveness replaces smiles...Trepidation fills the space that you have started staring into insignificantly…
And in those moments of finality...you realize that the colored pieces were gray after all.
As much as we all like to see it, have it, experience it, nothing about human condition is perfect or completely pure - we're all flawed, one way or the another - I've learned that beauty lies in picking up those gray pieces and coloring them one by one, the best we can.
Yeah, it's dark maybe, but that's how the world is, and our redemption is in acknowledging it, and still trying to throw light on it.
I agree..though I wish colouring those pieces were that easy :P
the pieces are completeness in miniature - the whole sky reflected in a droplet encapsulating a rainbow.
varsha, we can not control most of the events; but we can manage the impact of those events on our minds.
life does not come with any guarantee that we will get what we deserve, so let us distract ourselves.
the fairy-light, winged hope in pandora's box accosts us all. wait for it to catch up with you.
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