Sunday, November 29, 2009


A recent SCIAM article that my uncle sent me talked about how noise helped entanglement of electrons and related scientific jingbang. But only these lines stuck to my head:

"In the most distinctive such effect, called entanglement, two electrons establish a kind of telepathic link that transcends space and time. And not just electrons: you, too, retain a quantum bond with your loved ones that endures no matter how far apart you may be. If that sounds hopelessly romantic, the flip side is that particles are incurably promiscuous, hooking up with every other particle they meet. So you also retain a quantum bond with every loser who ever bumped into you on the street and every air molecule that ever brushed your skin."

Imagine your skin still retains one tiny electron of that long lost love, the mad guy at the rock concert, the last goodbye handshake... :) Awesomeness...

1 comment:

silly swallow said...

a really touching post - if only those loyal electrons knew the way to the world of emotions ...