Sunday, June 19, 2011


For the annoying jokes and all the fond cuddles… For shouting at each other and smiling secretly across the room… For making me go ‘Ugh. I hate you’ to ‘Wow, couldn’t ask for better’… For giving me dirty looks during a midnight birthday bash… For the time and the freedom I got to figure out what I wanted to do… For the painful ear tweaks for bad math and a pat on the back for something done right…. For showing me what true strength really meant in times of trouble… For all the warm welcome hugs, no matter how sweaty or dirty I was… For giving me time to nurse a heartache…For being cheerful and funny, no matter what part of the day… For being irritatingly judgmental…For being freakishly right about some things…For being open about mistakes made and the points scored…For all the efforts taken to give me a perfect childhood…

Happy father’s day… :) For the man who makes me want to kill him sometimes; hug him tight and never leave him at others - You are the best I could ever ask for…