Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hail blogspot!!!!

Anything to do with pressing more than a few buttons, has addled my brains from the time of my whiny infancy. Somehow technology and me have been at each others' neck. I can't understand technology and technology can't stand me. Yes, i am the lousy conservative who still prefers filling lengthy forms, licking photos and sticking them on paper instead of going the easy e-way. I almost had a stroke once, when i tried booking train tickets online. There were too many click here, click there, commands and i almost flipped when the screen went blank for a few minutes, only to return with my ready to print e- ticket. But, my heart had already jumped out by then.

In short, i can't stand computers. But, when i realized my job had plenty to do with ONLY computers, i decided to befriend technology a lil bit. Well, starting a blog can't get me anywhere, but at least it is a beginning. I could follow the 'three easy steps to start a blog' almost perfectly!! So hail blogspot for making life more easier. Looking forward to blogging!!


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